10 Household Areas You Should Seal with DuPont FlexWrap EZ

Air leaks, whether in your home or any building, end up costing you more money on your energy bill. Although simply sealing windows and doors is a great way to prevent some heating and cooling loss, there are still many small air leaks that are often overlooked and can add up to significant energy costs over time. Sealing these small airways using flashing is a simple and cost-effective way to improve the energy efficiency and durability of your residential or commercial building.

DuPont FlexWrap EZ is a flexible adhesive that creates an airtight and watertight seal to conform to all different shapes and sizes of potential leaks. This product comes in a 2 ¾ " wide x 15' long roll that can typically cover an average-sized home. Its size allows it to adapt to all jobs. To help homeowners and builders get the most energy savings, we made a list of 10 things in your home or building that are most likely being overlooked that can be sealed using FlexWrap EZ.

1. Plumbing Pipes

Not only can plumbing pipes create openings for air to escape, but they also can leak water and decrease the durability of your home. FlexWrap EZ is designed to manage both air and water penetrations, which will improve your energy bill and extend the life of your home.

2. Electrical Boxes

Wall or ceiling electrical boxes consist of various gaps due to the cables and wires that are housed inside. These small cable intrusions can lead to large air leaks if not properly taped off or sealed.

3. Outlets

At first glance, an outlet cover may seem to be fairly air-leak free, but behind every outlet cover is a box packed with airflow. Luckily outlets allow for easy access, so air leakage can be easily prevented by creating a simple seal.

4. Wires

Running wires throughout your home creates very small penetrations in walls, ceilings, or floors that are often very difficult to seal. Dupont FlexWrap EZ has a unique design and size that can be easily used on these very small holes, so purchasing more than one size flashing is no longer a necessary hassle.

5. HVAC Components

Many HVAC systems consist of multiple components such as vents, pipes, or tubing that can lead to air leakage and energy loss. Sealing around these systems is very important to eliminate duct leakage and higher energy costs.

6. Dryer Vents

If an exterior dryer vent is not properly sealed, then it can leave open cracks or gaps for air or insect and pest infiltration. A tight seal blocks these annoyances from entering your home and creating even larger and more costly problems.

7. Hose Bibbs

An outdoor faucet or hose bibb attached to your house is another area that can cause concern if not properly sealed off. Prevent water and air leaks that can damage your home by using a flashing like Dupont FlexWrap EZ that is designed for these situations.

8. Exhaust Fans

If your home contains a kitchen or bathroom exhaust fan, then consider sealing around them in order to stop conditioned air from leaking into a space with unconditioned air.

9. Lights

A major source of ceiling air leakage occurs from unsealed lighting fixtures. Taping off any recessed lighting in your home will improve its energy efficiency and durability.

10. Gas Lines

Leaving gas lines unproperly sealed can be both dangerous to your health and wallet. Allowing gas to escape from stoves, dryers or other appliances can lead to a risk of explosion from gas build-up. Plus, the fumes are not safe to breathe. Sealing these areas using FlexWrap EZ is a smart and easy way to keep energy costs down and your family safe.

For additional information on DuPont FlexWrap EZ or to purchase it, click here. For installation instructions, click here.